Friday, December 4, 2009

Tila Tequila vs Rihanna Round 2: Tila Says Rihanna Has Herpes!

Famewhore Tila Tequila is no fan of Miss Fenty. This morning Tila wrote a lengthy post attacking Miss Fenty for supposedly attacking her on the radio and revealed that the singer has herpes in her "private area" and gave it to Chris Brown.

Appearing on Big Boy's Neighborhood radio show yesterday, the host asked Miss Fenty who she would like to "turn off". She said Tiffany Evans (some chick she says is spreading lies about her) and Tila (whom she said she saw at an awards show once with a drink. "Even though she doesn't drink, she had a drink in her hand," she said sarcastically.) Apparently Tila is allergic to alcohol and took offense; She was mad that Miss Fenty was coming for her.

Here's the audio from the radio show:

Tila said she's never been to any AMAs and that Miss Fenty is "confused." She said she did see Miss Fenty at the MTV Music Awards, however. When she saw her, Miss Fenty was drunk (Tila adds that Rihanna is "always drunk") and was rude to everyone around her.

Anyway, on to the grease!

Tila wrote:
So everyone, yes.....I heard from legit sources, that is the HUGE SECRET our prestine, perfect little Princess RiRi, the "IDOL" has been hiding from the media. A very close source of mine, who works in the same legal camp as Rihanna, has told me that the reason why Rihanna wasn't speaking out about the CHRIS BROWN incident is because there was a catch 22 in it. Rihanna has herpes, and....well......I don't wanna put anyone else on blast, but Rihanna has herpes and gave someone else herpes that she had slept with.


So while you cascade around town, acting like yo shit don't stink, and leading the media and your fans into thinking that you are a strong woman, and idol,'s a shame you had to trick them into thinking you are, because truth is, you're ruining other people's lives, infecting people with your STD's, and walking around getting praised and loving the sympathy, when really, in real life you are just a major bitch who could give 2 shits about your fans and all the people who have been supporting you! Including myself! You dont even acknowledge your fans, you know, the people who got you famous??? Yes....those people. THE FANS! The ones that I, myself, acknowledge 247 all the time because if it weren't for my fans, I would not be here today! I love my fans, I don't lie to my fans to make them like me more, and everyone knows it. I have my flaws, but I put it out there, and I let my fans decide on whether they agree with the things I do or not. Im real, and I don't care what anyone has to say about me. All I do is mind my own business, and play with my fans.

But since you're still cascading around town like you're a prefect little princess, angel.....honey I hate to burst your bubbles.....but yes....yo shit really do stink, and even worse.....yo shit has STD's, known as HERPES, down in your private area.

So.....that's about it. Sorry I had to tell the world your DIRTY SECRET, but you left me no choice girlfriend. I knew about your secret for A VERY LONG TIME, but I never told anyone because that was not my business......but since you wanna play dirty with best believe I will give it to you good girlfriend! POW!

Rihanna has STD's and Herpes everyone! & that is the truth from my legit source that has told me. YIKES! So boys, be careful when u wanna tap that ass, cuz that ass will give your dick Herpes if you dont put 3 condoms over it! EWWW!



Ms. Tila-You-Don't-Fuck-With-Me-Tequila

PS-yes, I understand you have a MASSIVELY powerful team behind you such as JAY-Z and all those guys so you feel safe & keep cascading around town knowing that everything wrong you do, will be covered up. I give u props for having such a great PR FIRM. U see? This sucks that I had to call you out cuz now Jay-Z, Kanye, Beyonce or whoever else is on your team is gonna hate me, and that sucks cuz I LOVEEEEE Jay-Z and Beyonce! They are my heros! But I am willing to sacrifice them hating me now because of what you did. I need to be honest and stay true to who I am, and stay real with my fans. I wish you the best in your next album release. I know I will be buying it.

NOTE TO CHRIS BROWN: I honestly think that you have paid your dues, and I'm definitely on TEAM CHRIS NOW! GO CHRIS! YOU CAN MAKE YOUR COMEBACK AND I FULLY SUPPORT YOU! You have admitted to what you did, and apologized numerous times, You have learned from your mistakes and I think people should really leave that in the past now and let you do your thing. TEAM CHRIS! Love ya baby! And Im glad we squased that beef we had! Love ya!"
Seriously, the idea of Tila standing on a soap box trashing anyone is laughable. Wait, did she allege that her boyfriend beat her ass and then proceeded to parade around town showing off the supposed "wounds"? Now she's taking the side of Chris, who viciously assaulted Miss Fenty? Has she lost her effing mind?!

But we digress.

This is not the first time Tila has went in on Miss Fenty. Last March, after the beatdown, Tila blasted Miss Fenty on Twitter. She believed Miss Fenty wasn't doing enough help victims after she got beatdown by Chris. Tila said she was all about female empowerment and Miss Fenty wasn't.

Tila better watch out cause she wouldn't want to get choked out by Miss Fenty.



Anonymous said...

If it came from Tila "Confused" Tequila's lips don't believe... she is a effing hater..

Anonymous said...

sounds a little bitchy--kinda like hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...did she make a pass on Ms. Fenty and get dissed...?

Anonymous said...

Personally I'm over the whole Chris Brown Rihanna thing. I am 100% in disagreement with what he did but he has paid enough. Not only was he punished with criminal charges but his career has suffered. Then to add insult to injury Rihanna is getting her jabs in through her intimate interview. Rappers and white men have been beating and cheating on their women for years and they don't get half as much of what Chris is dealing with. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for her music and have hipped others one to it when she was only halfway known but I no longer like her character for several reason. I don't know Tila but I agree with her totally about Ri feeling safe because of her Team. Although not mentioned in this blog I believe the devil worshipping stories too. Beside I'm willing to bet the last dollar of my life that she through some punches too and probably before him especailly that night. She'a a woman with emotions, was young and in love, and an islander. Now take all of that and add drinking. And did we all forget about her interviews where she talked about throwing glass bottles at her brother's head when she gets mad. She has a violent side. As for as the herpes information goes... Tila went a little hard and maybe put something out there that should have never been said by another person's lips for a pitty comment Rihanna made but some people don't hold off. If I believe it?... Yes I do. Why? The allocation Tila are making if not true can be persecuted and a court of law because slander is illegal and I don't think she would say something like that without really knowing. Damn this is long... didn't even realize I was typing this much. Done.

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