Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Woman Makes Bomb Threat So Boss Won't Miss Flight

Claudia De La Rosa, concerned her boss would miss his American Airlines flight to Honduras last week, apparently tried to buy him some extra time by making a bomb threat.

34-year-old Claudia, pictured, is nothing if not thorough: In addition to calling the airport to tell them a bomb was on board the aircraft, she sent an e-mail, too.

While police searched the aircraft, they were also hot on her trail. They tracked her e-mail back to her computer.

She was charged with making a false bomb report after she was arrested early Wednesday morning at her employer's apartment.

Claudia admitted she had made the threat because she was late for work and her boss was likely to miss the flight.

She's being held on $7,500 bail and faces up to 15 years in jail.



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