Michael Kevin Lallana, 31, of Santa Ana, Calif. faces up to three years in jail with mandatory sex offender registration after it he -- how do we say this gently? -- ejaculated into his female co-worker's water bottle on two separate occasions. And yes, unaware of Michael's deposits, she drank from the bottle.
Investigators say Lallana entered the victim's office and deposited his semen into a water bottle that was on his co-worker's desk. The defendant is accused of leaving the semen-filled water bottle on the victim's desk which she drank when she returned to her office. The unidentified victim, who ws unaware of the bottle's contents, drank the contaminated water. She threw it away after feeling sick, investigators say. Three months later, the victim and six other employees, including the defendant, were transferred to the Northwestern Mutual Mortgage Company's Orange branch. That's where a second incident occurred, according to officials. On April 9, 2010, Lallana is accused of assaulting the same victim by depositing his ejaculation into another water bottle that the victim left on her desk. The victim took a sip from the bottle, felt sick. She decided to send the specimen to a private lab to be tested. The lab contacted her and told her the water bottle contained semen, police said.Someone tested the semen and it matched up with Michael's DNA. This is horrible. We bet the woman won't be using reusable water bottles anymore.
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