Steve Harvey is a comedian/actor/radio host cum relationship expert. But to let his ex-wife Mary Lee Harvey (pictured, above) tell it, Steve is a special kind of asshole! Mary, who met Steve when she was working the cosmetics counter in 1989 and married him in 1996, said her ex-husband was cheating from the outset of their relationship. When she met Steve, they were living in their cars and stole gas so he could get to his gigs. Sometime in their relationship, Mary intercepted a letter (below) from a woman named Terry addressed to Steve in which she went into explicit details about their affair, including Steve's penchant for third input (read: anal) sex and she aborted his child. A few years later, Mary intercepted a phone call from another jumpoff, Marjorie (Steve's current wife), and that was when she decided it was time to bail. Mary says Steve never apologized for his actions and took their 12-year-old son Wynton (who almost died during birth) and turned the child against her. Plus, she previously alleged that Steve was beating Wynton's ass and physically abused her during their marriage, too. Furthermore, Steve took all of the money, community property was never divided (he took it all), evicted her from the home and refused to give her a share of the business, which she sacrificed for and helped build. And now he has the audacity to be suing her! (According to Steve, it's Mary's fault Oprah never giving him his own talk show.) Sidebar: Did we hear that Mary was Steve's jumpoff?
Wow!!! Wow!!!
Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!
Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!Wow!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

On Twitter, Steve called Mary's accusations "lies." Sidebar: Miss Marjorie is wurking the eff out of that outfit on a rainy day in Aspen.
Update #1: Steve's lawyer says, “We are appalled and aware of the videos and other fabricated documents…which contained false, misleading, derogatory, disparaging, malicious, explicit and slanderous information about Mr. Harvey, his current wife and others. The ex-wife is fully aware of the court’s current orders and permanent injunctions which prohibit either party, their lawyers or representatives from discussing and releasing information on the Internet and to the media. We are taking the necessary legal steps to rectify this matter to the full extent of the law and we will be seeking contempt and sanctions against her for such reprehensible and callous disregard for the court orders. We are saddened that the ex-wife has resorted to such devious and selfish behavior, with a reckless disregard for their minor son, her adult son and Mr. Harvey’s other children.”
Update #2: Marjorie plans to sue Mary for defamation, chile. In a statement, Marjorie said: “As a wife and a mother, I cannot stand back and allow the defamation of my character or actions that will malign my family. So, I will do what I need to do to the greatest extent of the law. The part that's hurtful in this is my wife and children had to be drugged [sic] into this. If you're going to be vindictive go ahead and aim it at me, but my son is coming in the room crying and that's also her son, so why would you do this?”
Update #3: Mary ain't never scared! In fact, she went on Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell to continue to sling grease.
Update #3: Jocelyn, Mary's former personal assistant of two years called into the Rickey Smiley Morning Show on Jan. 27 to give her input on the situation at hand. Jocelyn describes Mary as an angry, conniving bitch.
Update #4: Mary is doing the media rounds. She visited the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Tom, who appears to be on Team Steve, says Mary airing out Steve is affecting the "entire" African American community! Wait, what?!? Mary says she feels like a "rape victim" who hasn't had closure. She adds that this isn't about money, she merely wants Steve to apologize to her, drop all of the lawsuits against her and for him stop deceiving the public. She says the situation is bigger than her.
Update #5: Terry Harvey (who hasn't spoke with his brother Steve in almost two years) and his wife gave their two cents on the Sam Slyk radio show. They're on Team Mary.
Update # 6: Mary called in to Power 105.1's "The Breakfast Club" (featuring Charlamagne) to explain it all.
Update #7, Feb. 8: Steve's name and high-powered lawyers have manipulated the courts against Mary again -- if you believe her version of events. A Texas judge has ruled that Mary is a liar. Among the findings: Mary "was not homeless or evicted from her home and was awarded three homes in the property settlement;" Steve "did not take, withhold or turn the child against Mary Lee Harvey;" Mary "willingly placed the child on an airplane and sent him to Mr. Harvey without his knowledge;" and that Steve has primary custody of the 13-year-old. Additionally, it was revealed that Mary received $40,000 a month from in alimony from their 2005 divorce until March 2009 and she received $1.5 million from him in March 2009. Furthermore, the judge ordered Mary to remove all three of the videos from Youtube and to refrain from speaking about her relationship with Steve to the media. A contempt of court hearing is set for March 10 where it will be determined if Mary will be fined or thrown in jail for violating the gag order placed on her.
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