Burials? Blasè. Cremations? So 2010. How about having your corpse freeze-dried then smashed into dust?
The process - called promession, or cryomation - involves using liquid nitrogen to chill the body to -196c, leaving it so brittle that it can be "fragmented" on a vibrating mat. A magnet then removes metal objects such as fillings and artificial limbs, leaving a sterile powder - giving a whole new meaning to "dust to dust". Another method, known as resomation, sees bodies placed in silk bags and submerged in an alkaline solution that has been heated to 160c [320ºF]. Flesh, organs and bones all dissolve under the onslaught, leaving behind a combination of green-brown fluid and white powder.Officials in Cambridge, UK are expected to meet to discuss legalizing the process to deal with human remains and the first promession clinic is expected to open later this year in the UK, Sweden and South Korea. It has already been approved in six US states, including New Hampshire, Minnesota and Florida. Since 2007, more than 1,000 people have been resomated in the US. Proponents say promession is environmentally-friendly as cremations spew mercury, dioxins and carbon dioxides into the air. In fact one supporter says, "cremation is filthy and is not a good thing to do as your last act on the Earth." Geeh. We don't know. Then again, you're already dead.
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