While traveling on a bus in Australia yesterday, Toni Hay and her 13-month-old daughter, Heather, were having the time of their lives -- laughing and playing and giggling and have coochie-coochie-cooing. Much to the chagrin of the bus driver and other passengers. Toni admitted that her daughter was loud and making "happy squealing noises", but after several requests from the driver to quieten her baby fell on deaf ears, the fed-up bus driver kicked Toni and the baby off the bus. Bye!
About eight minutes into the journey she said the bus driver yelled out that if she couldn't keep her daughter quiet then they would have to get off the bus. "Heather was squealing because she was happy and the driver threatened to throw us off," Ms Hay said. A distressed and embarrassed Ms Hay said she apologised to other passengers and gave her daughter a biscuit and a drink and tried playing with her. "She wasn't screaming or carrying on or anything, she was smiling and happy," she said. The driver threatened to throw her off the bus two more times and Ms Hay said after that she kicked them off. "The woman was like 'Right, that's it. I've been telling you since Casuarina that you're going to have to get off the bus if you can't keep your baby quiet,' " she said. By this time Ms Hay said the next stop was theirs and they disembarked any way. Before getting off the bus Ms Hay said she asked for the drivers name but the woman refused to tell her. Humiliated and belittled she said once inside she contacted Darwin Bus Services and unsuccessfully voiced her complaint to management. "They said their managers were away all week and the man was very vague and didn't want to know about the complaint," Ms Hay said. She told the employee: "I don't think she (driver) should be in charge of a pig, let alone a bus."
Perhaps the bus driver took it too far, but this mother has to realize that not everyone wants to listen to your baby "squealing" or laughing or whatever. Sidebar: The bus operator said it is investigating the complaint.
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