According to the claim filed in the Australian Supreme Court, a pregnant Ms Cherry flew internally from Townsville to Brisbane, then from Brisbane to Melbourne, on May 23, 2009. During the flight it is claimed Ms Cherry bought a chicken roll on board and she suffered listeria poisoning as a result. "The roll was tainted and not fit for human consumption, as it contained listeria bacteria," according to the statement of claim. The listeria bacteria poisoned the blood of the plaintiff's mother and the plaintiff and caused him to suffer injury." Zayd was born two months after the flight and according to the documents, his injuries included a bacterial infection called listeriosis, listeria bacteria poisoning, gastro-intestinal injury, developmental delay, and anxiety. As a result he is claiming for medical expenses and loss of prospective income and earning capacity as an adult, as well as damages.Say what?!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Lady Sues Airline Because Her Unborn Child Got Food Poisoning
An Australian woman named Renee Cherry is suing Virgin Airlines on behalf of her one-year-old son Zayd Fokeera because, while on board the aircraft, she ate tainted food and suffered listeria causing the unborn baby to also suffer intestinal damage.
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