Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WATCH: Drunk Man Wobbles Home

This video of a falling down drunk British man is hilarious. The man, who was attending a well-to-event at the well-to-do Savoy Hotel (before he was thrown out because he was drunk) last Friday is seen sliding down the banister on his torso and does a back-flip onto his head. And that's just the half of it. Ten days later he returned to the hotel looking for his wallet and coat. While the workers didn't know the location of his wallet, we're glad to see that he got home in one piece.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the United States. This happened. The fella's name is RJ. According to the person who posted this video to YouTube, RJ "Sharpied" him on Monday night, so last night when RJ fell asleep after returning home from a bar drunk, he pulled out a Sharpie and went to work all over RJ's face and body. Good times.

And finally, in the Philippines (we, believe) there's this DL dance party.


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