Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Man Redefines Meaning of 'Church'

Glenn Hudson is nothing if not a businessman. To let him tell it, he's an ordained minister with certificates of occupancy for a several churches in the Dallas, Texas area -- but according to police, Glenn received his ordination from an online Web site and these "churches" are not your grandparents' churches. In fact, after a three-month investigation the City filed a lawsuit last week to shut down one of pastor Glenn's "churches" called The DarkSide -- which is really a rave club and drug den for teenagers and just this week the City moved to shut down The Playground, which is "a swingers club that is a business that caters to adults, often couples, who wish to engage in random consensual sexual activities with other adults other than their spouses." Halleloo!

UPDATE, Aug. 3: A judge has ordered the "churches" closed after investigators found condoms, beds and pornography inside. In an interview with a local TV station, 'pastor" Glenn says he has a right to operate his "churches", arguing that he has his own form of religion. And what does he believe in, you ask? "My faith is NRG. I believe in nature. My faith is, when you wake up in the morning and you look out your window and what you see... that’s what I believe in," he says. LOL! Sidebar: How You Doin'!

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