Monday, March 19, 2012

WATCH: Dad Urinates on Infant Son + The Family That Prays Naked Together...

Father of the Year Sergio Armando Velderrain is facing child abuse charges after urinating on his 4-month-old baby's face and body after getting into an argument with the child's mother. The baby began to choke from swallowing the urine, but Sergio, 21, thought it was funny. He then told his wife (who's also the child's mother): "Now he has something to remember his dad by." Classy. When cops got involved, he told them he was drunk and, because the room was dark, he thought he was in the bathroom.

Tanicia Goodwin is nuts. The 25-year-old Boston slashing her 8-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter's throats and setting fire to the apartment. To carry out her twisted plan, Tanicia removed the unit's inside doorknob, sealed vents, covered sprinklers and disabled the smoke alarm. Oh, she was trying to murder them to "protect" them. The kids are are recovering at a hospital.

↪ Meanwhile, in the Philadelphia-area, a mother and three children were arrested after getting naked outside Upper Darby High School and chanting "God is great." According to police, 44-year-old Sarah Butler and three of her children — 23-year-old Joanne Butler, 22-year-old Bessie Butler and a 14-year-old son — showed up at the school three times. The first time they asked for a student to be released from the school and were told to leave. They returned, began chanted and were told to leave again. When they came back the third time, all four stripped down to their birthday suits, and began running around while chanting. CRAZINESS! Don't you fret; They're safe now -- in a hospital before they go to jail.

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