Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baby Born Without Any Blood

Olivia Norton (pictured) is a miracle baby. The British toddler, who's now six months old, was born with no blood and was given less than two hours to live, but she survived -- thanks to emergency transfusions.
[Mom Louise Bearman] and her greengrocer partner Paul Norton, 36, of Witham, Essex, first noticed something was wrong when they didn't feel Olivia kicking for three days. They went to Broomfield Hospital, in Chelmsford, and when nurses failed to spot any movement after a 15 minute scan doctors ordered an emergency caesarean. Olivia was born six weeks early at 8.20pm on Saturday September 10, weighing 5lbs 3oz with her heartbeat dipping dangerously low. Haemoglobin is the protein which gives blood its characteristic red colour and ability to carry oxygen around the body. When Olivia was born she had haemoglobin levels of just three out of a normal level of 18, which meant the plasma in her blood could not be classified as proper blood. The newborn was rushed to the hospital's special care baby unit where she was monitored for two weeks and had her strength and colour restored with two blood transfusions. Neonatal nurse Sharon Pilgrim, yesterday said in 20 years in the job she had never heard of such low haemoglobin levels. She said: "It was a miracle she survived. She was incredibly pale when born and had difficulties breathing. "There was no sign of blood loss prior to the caesarean or during the operation. "It was only when we carried out further tests on Louise that we discovered the baby had lost blood directly into her mum's blood circulation." Louise added: "The hospital staff were amazing and called Olivia the 'miracle baby' and said if I hadn't come in she would not have survived. "Doctors still don't know why it happened, it is one of those freak things." "I want mums to realise how important a baby's movement is in checking they are healthy. You have to trust your maternal instinct."

source: Telegraph


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