Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WATCH: Lady Gives Birth to 7th Baby Born Addicted to Drugs + Donkey Robs Elderly Sisters

Mother of the Year Daiquiri Miller, 34, of Tulsa, Ohio gave birth to a baby girl last month and like the six previous children she bore, the newborn was taken away. Why? Like her other children, the newborn was born addicted to cocaine. It's a shame that so many women desperate for a baby are unable to get pregnant, but this fertile crackhead is just popping them out left and right. But the good thing is, these seven children are now with loving, caring families.

Meanwhile, in Baltimore, Kenisha Thomas' batshit craziness is beyond belief. At the end of a one-hour supervised visit with her 8-month-old daughter, Pretty Diamond at the Department of Social Services, Kenisha pulled out a large kitchen knife out of her purse and began to stab the child repeatedly about the face and neck. During the melee, she was overhead saying: “Kill the baby. I hope my baby is dead. Lock me up. If I can't have her, no one will.” Cuckoo! She was arrested and charged with attempted murder, child abuse, assault, reckless endangerment and weapons charges. But how did she smuggle a knife into the building with a metal detector? Authorities are investigating.

Here's the beef. A cow named Darcy escaped from her pen in Brush, Colorado and and hoofed it a half a mile to the local McDonald's drive-thru. True story.

Atlanta police have been unable to put a dent in the burgeoning hair weave thefts because "hair doesn't have tracking numbers." Here's video of a group of thieves crashing a U-Haul truck into a beauty salon and making off with $2,000 of luxurious human hair.

Three 8th grade students were expelled from a school in Griffith, Indiana, for making threats Facebook to kill their ugly classmates. Now the parents of the three students are suing the school because administrators can't take a joke and the students’ comments are protected by their First Amendment right to free speech. Wait, what?

Meanwhile, someone has developed "Ugly Meter" app that measures one's ugliness. Because we're in slow news station cycle, the Chicago Fox affiliate decided to take it for a test run.

17-year-old Amanda Dougherty was barred from attending her prom because (...wait for it...) she no longer has a date.

I. Just. Can't. CAN. NOT.

Adam Bardisa has some issues. The 19-year-old robbed a 96-year-old wheelchair bound woman and her 84-year-old sister of their pocketbook as they boarded a bus in Palm Beach County, Florida. While committing the heinous act, the 96-year-old fell out of her wheelchair and broke two ribs. Adam ran away from the scene, but his father saw the surveillance video on the news and called police. He was arrested and charged with robbery and aggravated battery on a person 65 years of age or older. Bail was set at $25,000.


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