Angelina Jolie Lookalike Rapes Cabbie at Knifepoint
Angie Jolie's doppelgänger is the killer!
An Angelina Jolie lookalike held a terrified taxi driver at knifepoint while she forced him to have sex, police in Tulcea, Romania, have been told. Cabbie Nicolae Stan, 34, says that stunning Luminita Perijoc, 30, threatened to kill him unless he agreed to perform oral sex on her after he'd dropped her off at her apartment. "She asked me to help with her bag but when we were upstairs she got me in to her kitchen and told me she had to have sex with me," claimed the married dad-of-three. "I think she wasn't used to anyone saying no because she flew into a rage when I declined. She took out a knife and forced me to undress and have sex with her. But she wasn't satisfied and wanted sex again. When I refused she attacked me with a knife, and forced me to have oral sex with her, but then she still stabbed me," he added. Friends told local media that Perijoc is a huge fan of actress Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star. Stan says he only escaped when he managed to barricade himself into a bedroom and dial 999 on his mobile phone. Police say he was taken to hospital with more than half a dozen stab wounds. "We are interviewing both parties to discover what could have happened," said a police spokesman.
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