Monday, April 8, 2013

Man Gets Ticket For Running Backwards

For six years, Alex Mesa has been running backwards through the streets of Miami Beach, but on April 6 a motorist called 911 to complain and Alex was cited for obstructing traffic. As you can see in the video, above, he literally run backwards in traffic -- while wearing headphones. He says he was "doing the right thing" and running backwards is no "different from somebody rollerskating, skateboarding, riding bicycles in the middle of the street." We beg to differ. Despite the ticket (which he intends to fight) Alex says it won't stop him from running backwards and he wants to be recognized for it. Furthermore, he wants it be recognized as sport. Like in the Olympics? Good luck with that.

Here's the news video. In it, he's running backwards on the sidewalk, of course.

Sidebar: Why is he wearing a bib with his name and 'USA' written on it? Is it for cops to ID his body if he were to get mowed down by a fed up driver?

source: WTVJ


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