Monday, November 17, 2008

Mother Fears Son is Being Raped by His Teacher and Her Husband

During advice hour, a mother called in asking what she can do to stop her 16-year-son from being constantly raped by his female teacher AND her husband.

She claims this has been ongoing for three years and the alleged rapists give the son expensive sneakers to keep him quiet.

What makes the situation dicey is that the mother is Jamaican and is in the country illegally, and she fears that if she reports the two culprits they will "call immigration" to deport her; a situation, she says, the alleged abusers would like because they would then have the son alone for their sick pleasure in the US while she is in Jamaica.

Crazy Tony AKA Mrs. Michael Jordan also called in. She and Wendy had a spirited conversation about spaceships, planets, superpowers, and "The Matrix". Craziness!


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