Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wanda Sykes comes out of the closet


Actress Wanda Sykes took a bold stand over the weekend by coming out of the closet. 

She says, "everyone that knows me personally, know that I'm gay."

We didn't know you personally, but we knew you were gay, Wanda. And it's all right.

Wendy has always wondered why she was always able to keep a job and alluded to her being gay as the reason.

Wanda announced that she was married to her partner on October 25.

But with the passage of  Proposition on Nov. 4 in California, her martial status could be in limbo and it bans other gays and lesbians from getting married.

That sucks!

"Gay is not a choice, that's like telling me I chose to be a woman or I chose to be black... I am proud to be gay ... I love you all so let's go get our damn equal rights."

Queen Latifah did you hear that?

Congrats Wanda!

 How You Doin' and allllrrrrriiiiiighht!


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