Monday, December 8, 2008

Alabama Mayor's Gay Secrets Revealed

When we reported the arrest of Birmingham, Alabama Mayor Larry Langford on 60 counts of conspiracy, bribery, fraud, money laundering, we should have known there were some skeletons in that closet.

And boy are there.

Miss Honey wrote $30,000 worth of checks to gay porn star Ryan Idol.

That was sloppy.

It bears mentioning that the anti-gay Langford, who calls himself a "committed Christian", refused to issue a permit to organizers of gay pride saying "I don't condone it, but I also am not sitting in judgment on anyone.... I don't think I'm intolerant, I just don't condone the lifestyle. Your personal lifestyle should be nobody's issue but yours. It's not a civil rights issue, it's a personal choice issue."

If you're such a Christian and denying pride parade permits, why are you then writing checks to a gay porn star).

The outings of self-hating hypocrites never gets old.

How You Doin' and Allllrrrriiiiight.


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