Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Contestants Must Be Nice to Simon Cowell. It's in the Contract

Simon Cowell is pissed that a contract from the "The X Factor" (that's like "American Idol, but over in England) suspiciously leaked.

In it, contestants must agree not to criticize Simon in public - which, includes on air, of course.

"It's slightly embarrassing when any commercial contract goes out. I wasn't aware I was one of the clauses. You can't be horrible about me? That's probably the most useless clause in the history of contracts, because everybody does talk horribly about me, and you know what? I don't care. It sounds ridiculously hypocritical for me to slate loads of people who come on the show and then say, 'You have to be nice about Simon'," Simon says.

We thought we wanted one, too. However, hearing what Simon had to say, we'll do with out.

Did you also know: the winner of the singing contest doesn't actually win $1 million, but $225,000.


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