Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kevin Federline Loves Hookers and Weed

According to Star, Kevin Federline is not the doting dad he pretends to be. Are we shocked by that? Not in the least.

According to a big-mouth friend, the unemployed former dancer and former Mr Britney Spears, "goes out of town to party for days and leaves his boys in the care of their nanny, Jenny. She’s amazing, but sometimes it’s a lot for her to handle."


But the real grease comes from another source who paints Kevin as an irressponsible weedhead who likes whores.

“Kevin loves smoking weed and spends hours getting high and playing video games with his buddies.... He loves sexy hookers and regularly parties with them at his home in L.A.”

After putting up a fight for his two kids with Britney (Sean Preston, 3, and Jayden James, 2) this news is not good.

Calling Britney's attorney.

Sidebar: Have you noticed how fat Kevin is getting? The above photo was taken recently in Las Vegas.


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