Monday, January 26, 2009

Scientists: You're Fat Because You Have a Virus, and It's Contagious!

Dr Nikhil Dhurandhar says he has discovered why you're fat. It's because you have the Adenovirus-36 virus, which you contracted while you were a child.

The virus, which is highly contagious, first attacks the lungs, then the rest of the body, forcing fat cells to multiply and causing sore throats.

From his studies, he was able to determine than 20% of obese people had Adenovirus-36 or were three times more likely to have the virus than a non-obese person.

Dr Dhurandhar said: "When this virus goes to the fat tissue it replicates making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of fat cells, which may explain why people get fat when infected with this virus."

Dr says those with the you remain infective for two to three months, the body builds up resistance to it.



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