Monday, February 23, 2009

Dolly Parton Says She Isn't a Lesbian, But Has Lots of Friends (Wink. Wink.)

If you believe the rumors, and we do, country legend Dolly Parton is a lesbian (her lover is perpetrating to be her assistant), she has a sex dungeon in her mansion's basement and she's covered in tattoos (that's why you she never see her in anything that's not long-sleeved).

With that bit of information in mind, Dolly appeared on Larry King Live last Saturday night where she addressed the gay rumors head on - but without any finesse.
I think all people have a right to be who they are. We're all God's children and God should be the one to judge, not other people. So I have a lot of gay friends, lesbian friends. I work with a lot of people. I am not gay. I have been accused of that. But I have been happily married for 42 years to the same man. And he's not the least bit threatened, you know, by the fact that I may be gay. And he knows I have a lot of friends. But I love everybody. It doesn't matter to me.

Hmm, you never see this "husband" she talks about. Plus, having a "husband" doesn't make you straight. You could be bisexual. Paging Dr Drew!

Watch the interview after the jump.

Dolly has been a longtime hero to the gay community and that deserves to be mentioned. So, there it is.

via Queerty


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