Monday, February 23, 2009

Kim's Blog Gets Shut Down Due to Non-Payment!!!

"Real Housewives of Atlanta" co-star Kim Zolciak may be having some serious financial trouble or she pissed off the wrong queen -- the one she hired to run her blog. 'Cause the blog is about to get shut down due to "due to failure of payment".


Apparently, while whoring traipsing all over Los Angeles, she's either forgot to pay her Webmaster (or the site's host) and he's putting her business on front street.

And, we love it!

Luckily for Kim, though, the second season of "Housewives" begins filming today and we hear they're getting paid somewhere in the 6-figures, so that should enough to tend to all of her bills - and still buy Dior, too.

But still, we're gagging!


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