Monday, March 23, 2009

(another) Pregnant Man Expecting Twins

Move over Thomas Beatie.

Ruben Noe Coronado, 25, (pictured left) a native of Spain who is transitioning from male to female, is poised to be the first pregnant man to deliver twins, according to the Telegraph.

Mr Coronado, born a woman called Estefania or Stephanie and still considered female under Spanish law, is due to give birth at the end of September.
He is the first Spanish transsexual to fall pregnant and it is thought he will become the world's first transsexual father of twins if everything goes to plan.
He will bring the twins up with his partner Esperanza Ruiz, 43. They plan to marry before they become parents.
Once he becomes a parent he will resume his sex-change surgery and become a father rather than mother.

Unlike Thomas, Ruben has no plans to profit from his situation. He will, however, sell the first photos mainly to quench the public's thirst for them. "If I don't do it, someone else will and they'll make a fortune," he says.

He claimed he had gone public "so people start to see a transsexual pregnancy as normal."

Thomas Beatie, who is pregnant again, is due June 12.



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