Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jesus' Ex: Madonna is An Old Hag from Another Generation, Opportunist

So, it seems someone co-signs with Wendy's matter-of-fact remarks about Madonna, 50, and her jumpoff, 20-year-old model Jesus Luz.

That someone is Jesus' former girlfriend, who throws her own grease at Madonna.

Brazilian actress Catharina Franca, 18, told the Daily Mail, Madonna is an "old hag" that needs to find a man her own age.

"When I heard about him and Madonna I couldn't believe it. I think the age makes a difference and it is ridiculous for her. It's like my mum with a boyfriend my age, or even my grandmother. I think it's very weird. She is a ridiculous old bag, jumping around on stage at her age. I think she has some kind of an age complex, she still thinks she is a young woman, she can't accept her age. I can't remember him ever speaking about her or listening to her music. She is famous but she is from a different generation altogether."

Catharina says she and Jesus are still friends, but fears Madonna is merely using him to make her ex jealous.

"I think Madonna is just with him for the attention, to make someone else jealous. Maybe her ex-husband [Guy Ritchie] or somebody else," she says. "Jesus needs to think very well what he is going to do afterwards because she will find another toy boy. I think he could get very hurt because he is the kind of guy who gets very involved emotionally."

Jesus former teacher thinks this is a good career move for the mod, 40, his former science teacher, said it will help his career.

"I think that for him to go out with that person is an aberration. There's nothing normal in that," Silvia Freitas says. "But I think Jesus is in the right. I'm thrilled for him and the opportunities that this will open up for him. It's she who is in the wrong. She should know better. It's like she came to Brazil and chose a good-looking boy as a souvenir and took it home."

Meanwhile, another of Jesus' ex, Krishna Siqueira, 20, is hoping he comes back to her; she speaks with him regularly via the Internet.

"There was something very special between us," she said. "I can't speak for him but for my part it was certainly love.

Does Madonna know Jesus is still communicating with these old flames?



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