Monday, March 23, 2009

Michelle Obama Has Too Many Pairs of Shoes, Barack Doesn't Understand

After First Lady dirtied her hands planting the White House vegetable garden last Friday, she did something much more important - she talked about fashion.

And, like most women living in households around the planet, their husbands don't understand their need for more shoes. Barack, bless his heart, jokes that she only need one pair. (Remember last year when photos circulated of Barack's run-down pair of shoe?)

The horror!

She told reporters.

“He’s [President Obama] always asking: ‘Is that new? I haven’t seen that before.’ It’s like, Why don’t you mind your own business? Solve world hunger. Get out of my closet.”

She teasingly imitated him: “You didn’t need any more shoes. The shoes you had on yesterday were fine. Why can’t you just wear that for the rest of the presidency?”

The first lady said she was not naturally thin and, like most other people, had to exercise and watch what she eats.

“I have hips, and I have them covered up with these pleats,” she said, pointing to her Maria Pinto skirt.

To keep those hips from spreading, she said, she follows an exercise regimen of light weights, calisthenics, jump-rope and a cardiovascular routine that includes interval running.

“This is work,” she said.

Regular exercise allows for dessert, French fries and a burger — every now and then. But she would eat the fries every day if she could. “They are my favorite food in the whole wide world,” she said. “I could live on French fries.”

We hear that.



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