Monday, March 2, 2009

Need Weed? Head to California (or Jersey)

Of course we're talking about medical marijuana. But ask anyone: you don't really need a "medical" condition to get your hands on this stuff. Is stress a real medical condition? We don't think so, but we hear you can qualify if you have this "condition." That's what we hear.

Recently, the United States made great strides to decriminalize marijuana and over-turn the Controlled Substances Act.

Last week U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder declared he would stop the practice established by the Bush administration of raiding legally licensed medical marijuana dispensaries.

The Drug Enforcement Agency will now cease the raids that have continued, according to reports, even after Bush left office.

Holder said Obama's campaign promise to stop the raids is "now American policy."

“What the president said during the campaign ... will be consistent with what we will be doing here in law enforcement,” he said. “What (Obama) said during the campaign ... is now American policy.”

Obama indicated during the presidential campaign that he supported the controlled use of marijuana for medical purposes, saying he saw no difference between medical marijuana and other pain-control drugs.

“My attitude is if the science and the doctors suggest that the best palliative care and the way to relieve pain and suffering is medical marijuana, then that’s something I’m open to,” Obama said in November 2007 at a campaign stop in Audubon, Iowa. “There’s no difference between that and morphine when it comes to just giving people relief from pain.”

White House spokesman Nick Shapiro hinted at the policy shift shortly after the California raids, telling The Washington Times that the dispensaries were legal in California and that the Obama administration’s stance was that “federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws.”

California has long offered medical marijuana, but those sites were the center of many raids. Last week, the New Jersey state Senate passed a bill that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes.




Anonymous said...

China would say "HEY!!"
They don't call it the "GARDEN" state for nuthin! HEY!!
(disclaimer: double negative above noted and used only for emphasis only)

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