Friday, March 27, 2009

Pastor Creates Bootcamp for Porn Addicts

Are you male? Do you have a addiction to porn? There's help.

Pastor Dr. Irv Woolf, director of the National Coalition for Purity, has created a porn addiction boot camp.

No, we're not kidding!

After being addicted to pornography himself, Woolf created the 16-week purity platoons and boot camp.

Each participant then takes an oath to live pure.

"Confess your sins, then go over to the foot of the cross and plant your white flag of surrender on purity hill," said Woolf. "It's time for you to declare yourself liberated. It's time for the Lord Jesus Christ to set the captives free."

We don't know about what the pastor is thinking, but 300 sexually-charged men trapped in a bootcamp can only lead to one thing - group sex!

Just saying.



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