Friday, March 20, 2009

President Obama on 'Leno': AIG, Bowling, 'Cool' Factor

Barack Obama made history, yet again, when he became the first sitting president to appear on a late night talk show. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, that is. Jay described the visit as "one of the best nights of my life."

Here are some excerpts and watch the videos after the jump.

On AIG executive bonuses:
"...the immediate bonuses that went to AIG are a problem. But the larger problem is we've got to get back to an attitude where people know enough is enough, and people have a sense of responsibility and they understand that their actions are going to have an impact on everybody. And if we can get back to those values that built America, then I think we're going to be OK..... On the AIG thing, all these contracts were written well before I took office, but ultimately I'm now the guy who's responsible to fix it. And one of the things that I'm trying to break is a pattern in Washington where everybody is always looking for somebody else to blame. And I think Geithner is doing an outstanding job. I think that we have a big mess on our hands. It's not going to be solved immediately, but it is going to get solved. And the key thing is for everybody just to stay focused on doing the job instead of trying to figure out who you can pass blame on to.

On flying in Air Force One:
"I personally think it's pretty cool. Especially because they give you, you know, the jacket with the seal on it.... Malia and Sasha, my daughters, they're just not as impressed. The first time we went on Marine One -– right, you've got the Marines in front and they're saluting you. And we go up and we're passing the Washington Monument, circling around on the way to Camp David –- and Sasha looks over and she says, "Are those Starbursts?" There's, like, the candy in the little canister. That's –- "Can we have some?"

And, the president did get some flack for this Special Olympics comment.
Jay: Now, are they going to put a basketball –- I imagine the bowling alley has been just burned and closed down.
Obama: No, no. I have been practicing all...
Jay: Really? Really?
Obama: I bowled a 129.
Jay: No, that's very good. Yes. That's very good, Mr. President.
ObamaL It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something.
Jay: No, that's very good.
Obama: No, listen, I'm making progress on the bowling, yes.

On the dog his daughters will have "shortly"
"We're going to get a dog that is –- that I think the girls will have a great time –- I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. You know, they say if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Anonymous said...

Obama makes some good points about some people's overblown sense of entitlement

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