Friday, March 27, 2009

Should Slain WABC Newsman Have Researched His Killer?

Yesterday Wendy said she blames the late WABC radio news host George Weber for causing his horrific murder, not John Katehis, the troubled 16-year-old boy who basically cut Weber up into pieces.

We take issue with that.

But we were surprised to hear someone agrees with Wendy. Reporter Lisa Bloom co-signs; She says Weber dropped the ball and put aside his journalistic background all for some teenage dick.

Here she is talking to CNN's Rick Sanchez.

If we checked out everyone we met online for sex, we wouldn't have no time for the actual sex.

(we kid)

In related news:
At his arraignment late Wednesday night, John plead not guilty to the murder charges. He is being held without bail. His lawyer, Herbert Moses, said his client was being used by an older man. He says details about their relationship will emerge later.

Do tell...


Anonymous said...

the funny thing is... John boy responded to the ad. John boy emailed back and forth with this guy. John boy went to Brooklyn! (16 years old)
I know of NO STRAIGHT guy that would even think of this. He must be mentally disturbed.

Then John got high and drank alcohol (nothing knew if you go to his youtube video - he is showing off his bottle of Absinthe to be exact)

Wonder where he got that from? Another sugar daddy?

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