Thursday, April 9, 2009

Angelina Jolie a Meth Addict?

Late last week we reported that Angelina Jolie collapsed on the set of "Salt" and required medical attention.


While we, like the rest of the news sources, suggest that the collapse was due her serious exercise regime and strict diet.

Now, we hear that Angelina has had a long-standing addiction to meth and is back to using because Brad has left her. (The couple's last public appearance was at the Oscars on Feb. 22.)

At one time Angelina confessed to using heroine. She has said: "I've done coke, heroin, ecstasy, LSD everything. I hate heroin because I've been fascinated with it. I'm not immune, but I won't do it now, at all. And last year a videotape allegedly showing a 20-something year-old Angie snorting coke went for sale.

"My Team Brangie sources have insisted to me for weeks that Angie is back on drugs and estranged from Brad. The only mystery is whether Brad has distanced himself from his skeletal baby momma because of her relapses and resulting psychotic behavior or whether she has started doing drugs again because Brad has signaled the end of their relationship. My sources are contradictory, though they all agree that Brad did not shag the nanny as some media have reported as the source of their recent troubles," journalist Ian Halperin says.

So, is Angelina a meth addict?


Here's a video of Angelina from the 1990s of her talking real crazy about S&M and killing animals. The shows an unidentified woman who is casually smoking heroin and an unidentified male, who is mostly off camera.



Anonymous said...

But isn't Brad known to HEY from time to time? I mean come on, he and Jennifer Aniston used to HEY it up. Ever watch Jen's interviews? She gets stumped so easily on the dumbest questions and can hardly put together a clear, concise answer. She's all over the place with her words...stumbling and can't complete sentences that you know she's still HEYing! I think it's just weed though for the both of them.. I hope!

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