Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rachel Maddow Buys a TV

Out lesbian and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow never owned a television until recently, when she and partner Susan Mikula had too much to drink and went on an Amazon shopping spree:

She told Dossier magazine:
I got drunk last Thursday and ordered one on Amazon! (Laughs) Susan and I ordered take-out Chinese and I made cocktails and then somehow it just happened. I mean, it wasn't like we were on some total bender or something—it was a weeknight—but I woke up the next morning and there was the confirmation email stating that we had indeed bought a $400 television. Of course, since we were drunk, we had it shipped to the wrong place, so now we have to get this giant box all the way to NYC from our place up in Massachusetts and figure out how to install it. Neither of us have had a TV in years and years. The last time I lived in a house with the TV was in 1990, when I moved out of my parent's house to go to college. Now there's a giant box with a TV sitting in Susan's art studio waiting for us."
No TV in almost 20 years?!? We can't even phantom the idea.

HEY! And How You Doin', Rachel.



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