Superhead, um, Karinne Steffans is off the market. Just in case any of you fellas were hoping for a chance to get some of the ... super head.
She confirmed that she and long-time boyfriend Darius McCrary ("Family Matters") have married. She revealed to Wendy that the two were in deed an item.
“Darius and I are not going to explain when and where we got married, if it was before the breakup or after. I’ve known Darius for 20 years,” Superhead told BV Buzz’s Jawn Murray. “We’ve been living together for two years and we are married. We’re a couple. That was important for us on many levels. With the help of our pastor and the help of our church, it was the right thing to do for the situation that we’re in so whenever we did it, we did it.”
Wait a second: Didn't she slap him with a restraining order and accused him of trying to kill her last year?
The story goes like this: After she threw him out of her/their home, Superhead claims he tried to run her over with his car. He said she lost her mind and basically jumped on the hood and roof of the moving car, while trying to smash the windows!!!
Superhead also claimed in 2007, Darius almost choked her to death. She filed a police report, but later recanted the story.
And weren't she pregnant at one time with his baby?
Wow. Yes, World, Wow!
PS: While speaking with BV Buzz, Superhead denied ever having a relationship with Bow Wow.
Well, I guess when you both have a "house in virginia" it's expedient to combine the properties.
Karine is a LIER! she forced dat dude to marry her jus so she don't look dumb when her book comes out. I know sumbody who knows her and he told me dat she lies to everybody on the internet just so she can seem like she still got a hollywood career when she don't. I feel sory for darias...he seem like a good dude just messing w/ the wrong ho...EVERYBODY hates Karine...don't fall 4 da okie doke folks!
that bitch got something on him. i remember when she called wendy i guess it was in '08 and she said something along the lines of .."he's going to marry me, i can make it happen, it will happen.. i can call him now to make a date" as if she's running thangs and he's no say in it whatsoever. plus wasn't there some other gossip about him and the _____? just sayin..
I'm very disappointed in his decision for a wife and so is family a source says. A fine body isn't everything but a women who loves God can't never be replace.
she sleep with every rapper alive...retard
carl winslow does not approve of this
OMG i love him but damn thatz what that bicth get hahahah lolz
one thing i say at least she keep it real people hate on her cause she getting paid and they not the men stupid they know how she is they making her rich and the same people taking about her brought her books yall think she care what yall say nope lol
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