Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bono Calls Elvis a 'White N*gger'

On London's Radio 4 yesterday, Bono recited a poem he wrote for Elvis Presley in which he referred to the dead singer as a "white nigger".

The poem, written in 1994 and recorded two years ago, is entitled American David, and yesterday was the very first time it was ever heard.

Here is a line:

“Elvis the bumper stickers/ Elvis the white knickers/ Elvis the white nigger ate at Burger King and just kept getting bigger.”

While we don't believe Bono is racist or his intention was to diss - he claims to be an Elvis superfan - what does the rest of the world think about his word choice?



Anonymous said...

I do not believe Bono meant anything wrong about his word choice. I think people need to stop being so sensitive and realize when someone is using art and not bigotry and racism.

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