Friday, May 15, 2009

Husbands of 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' Have Criminal Pasts

So it seems like the husbands of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" cast, are up to no good.

Gawker spent a few hours researching the men and dug up their criminal histories.

  • Joseph Giudice: Husband of Teresa, the crazy flat-chested wife. He's an "entrepreneur." Also, in 2006, he was arrested for drunk driving in Atlantic City. That landed him a sentence serving "weekends" and when he went to serve his weekend prison time he had the shit kicked out of him by "Officers Hendrick, Juzwiak, Hall, Parisi and Valencia, and others whose identities are presently unknown to plaintiff." He sued for $700,000 and didn't win anything.

  • Albert Manzo(pictured) Husband of Caroline Manzo, brother in law of Dina Manzo, owner of the Brownstone. In 2001, Mr. Manzo was charged with one count of "Interference with commerce by threat or violence" by the United States of America. On October 29th, 2001, the case was closed. Sadly no record of the outcome is available on line.

  • Christopher Laurita: Husband of the genuinely nice (seeming) Jacqueline, has no record of either criminal, civil or bankruptcy filings.

That's it because two of the five housewives aren't actually wives at all and therefore could not possibly have criminal husbands.

We're not going to Jersey anytime soon. And yes, we'll look down.



Anonymous said...

Saw somewhere on the net that her father-in-law's body (Albert Manzo's father) was found in the trunk of a car. mmmmhh.

CeddyCed said...

Dina is married to Albert's brother, but he was not seen on the show. Danielle is the only one not married

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