Friday, May 22, 2009

Jamie Foxx's Alleged Gay Lifestyle Exposed?

Jamie Foxx's actions in this photo speaks volumes; Plies better watch out.

It's been a few months now since Stephen Taliver allegedly attacked Jamie in a Philly hotel room. Jamie said today about Taliver: "He's now on a 60-day hold in a psych unit... God bless him, I hope everything works out for him."

But, why we're really posting his comment isn't because it's a good gesture, but because we've been waiting for an opportunity to post the rest of this entry, which comes from a publicist who suggests Jamie arranged to meet Taliver for sex (but things didn't go as planned), and the singer/actor and his PR firm have been paying off gay men and fudging the truth for years -- all to keep Jamie's gay lifestyle under wraps.

Here's the post from Lipstick Alley: [ start clutching your pearls now! ]

First, let me start off by saying that this is obviously a fake username and no I don't have an account on here. I've been a lurker on LSA for quite some time and it was directly related to my job. My job in fact had me lurking on various message boards to find things out about my firm's clients. What do I do? More like what did I do? I was a publicist in one of the top 5 firms in Hollywood (no not Roger & Cowan). The latter part should make it obvious that I am neither A. nor W., which means I was not nor have I ever been Jamie's publicist but I know things.

From here on out anyone I can't outright name will be called by the letter of their first or last name and bolded.

Some of this "tea" (as you call it) will be old because it goes back to early 2004 but it is quite relavent to now.

Back in early 2004 Jamie Foxx was in a club in which a man came up to him and supposedly said what's up to Jamie and then proceeded to "grab his breast" <-Jamie's exact wording. This is how the story was spun by the PR firm. However, lets disect this a bit. What gay man do you know would actually go up to a straight man and grabs his pecs regardless if he knows him or not? Gay men are already afaird to openly hit on guys who are not in a gay club anyway so why did this guy feel so comfortable enough to do this? That's because a few weeks earlier him and Jamie had sex. What he actually said to him was, "Hey baby. What's up?" Jamie was furious and hit the guy. His PR firm spun the story away and apparently dude was paid off. Another encounter happens again. His PR firm hushes it. Jamie is on thin fucking ice with his team and he knows.

Another incident happens. How do they decide to spin this one away? Well, what all PR firms have done! They make up an elaborate story. Do you all remember when some sex photos of Jamie Foxx and some woman came out? They claimed that a man named Mark Pithian from Las Vegas went through Jamie's trash and found the pictures. Mark Pithian doesn't fucking exist. Pithian apparently was a victim of a beating by some of Jamie's supposed friends (which the PR firm had him deny, the point of the story was to make him seem straight not a thug). Mark Pithian then filed a police report that you can read on a certain site. Said site was contacted by the PR firm to hide the victim's name, which they did. Now ask yourself why? The firm leaked the damn story and even mentioned the man's name several times. That's because dude doesn't exist! I want all of you LSA detectives to find me Mark Pithian in Las Vegas. He was made up.

If you're shaking your head and calling me a liar then continue on with me here...

Fast forward to now with this creepy old dude who Jamie thought was Bey's producer. C'mon! You can't tell me that you don't see through this shit. I was a bit surprised by the lazy PR work but I'm sure they will redeem this one. When Jamie sets up his meetings with men he makes sure that his bodyguard is not present, which would clearly explain why he had to tackle the man off himself.

As for the naked bastketball games I know it's true but the info I have isn't first or second hand but from what I was told the game starts off naked and whoever doesn't make a basket has to do a sexual favor. Don't hold me onto to that. What I do know is that the PR firm made him sell his house because a few neighbors saw more then what they were supposed to see.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Are you gagging or what?!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, we don't know if what the publicist is saying is true or not.

BTW: Superhead confronted Jamie on his radio show about these rumors, too.

At around the 3:30 mark, Superhead tells him: "I heard you were the real Superhead....I heard you suck dick, too"




Anonymous said...

LMAO! Why Jamie gotta be inna background lookin @ Plies like that grip'n his stuff-lol-Too Funny.. said...

That story is such bull! Don't believe everything you read on the internet!

Bruh L said...

Don't nobody want Plies' ugly ass but
some ghetto hoodrats looking to get
pregnant as a means of income. Whether
Jamie is gay or not, if he is, he
can surely do better. He might have
just been scratching himself, when that
pic was snapped....

Anonymous said...

didn't Jamie say he wanted to bed Kirstie Alley?

here's some breaking news (not so breaking to those in the know): SHE'S A LESBIAN!!!!! (so much for "dating" thick white girls, Jamie lmfao)

Anonymous said...

I think by now over the years every knows that there are alot of actors, rappers that fool around like that. So this article is not shocking. This is just one of those incidents where a multi-millionaire can cover up his tracks by money. If what this cake walker said is true. I have no idea if it's true or not. If Jamie is gay one day he's going to mess with the wrong person and get exposed.

BTW. Gay people are evil. Everyone should stay away from them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No, Kirstie Alley said she wanted to bed Jamie.

Anonymous said...

there is a clip on youtube somewhere of Jamie talking infront of a group of friends and i think it was maxwell in that lil circle but anyways Jamie was like "if i was gay i would fuck u maxwell, im not saying im gay but im just saying if it came down to it ill choose u" blah blah blah something in that context. i aint a hater but foreal i think jamie is hiding in the closet

Anonymous said...

LOL! If this is BS, then why did Jamie not disagree with her at 3:30, but he actually agreed and said she was right!
Proof is in the ermmm...pudding.
I dont really care who sticks whos dick in who...but the question of deception, honesty and integrity comes up when people live double lives such as he's accused of doing.
In laymens terms, its fuckin FAKE.

Anonymous said...

It all makes sence now. He never should have won an Oscar. I hope Jaime continues to run his mouth. Bababooey

Anonymous said...

Who cares if jamie is gay or not he can get any man or woman he wants.
Jamie is doing his thing,making good music and good movies. So of course there's gonna be the haters trying to bring him down. Leave Jamie alone he's funny, talented and sexy as hell. His sexuality doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine actually confirmed that he is in fact gay. He's in the Hollywood crowd and they would throw parties and Jamie have disclosure agreements for party goers to sign and confiscate cameras or smart phones. He would openly flirt and make out with guys. His private lifestyle is his business, but I just find it so hypocritical of him to make an impression that he's a homophobe in his shows and stand up comedies.

Anonymous said...

Just keep blair underwood out of it

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