Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Linda Hogan is a Drug Addict? Daughter Brooke Says So

Brooke Hogan is trying her darndest to promote the fake reality show and upcoming album, so she sat down with the people over at OK! Magazine where she talks about her mother, Linda's relationship with a younger man and dropped the bomb; She suggested Linda does drugs.

There was some tension between you and your mom for a while. Is everything resolved now?
I had a talk with her and I said, “I think everyone in America knows why I won’t accept Charlie.” But what people don’t know is that he’s a bad influence on her. She’s not staying as healthy as she should be. He’s 19, he can party his ass off. She’s 48. I said, “Mom, if you want to have a relationship with me you have to dump Charlie.” It’s not because of his age. If he were 5 years old and a good influence on her then that would better. But I’m just not happy with the situation because of their poor judgment — with what they do.

What kinds of things do they do?
I know there are things that could damage her health and make her get old really quick. I don’t want to see that happen. I’m trying to stick to the tough love thing. I’m just staying away until she wakes up. In order for me to keep my sanity, I have to love her from afar. We are totally different women. I’m straightlaced, don’t do drugs, stick to my regimen. It’s different there.

This isn't unexpected, since Linda was recently accused of holding drug parties at Hulk Hogan's her home in Florida for Charlie and his friends.

Even still, expect to see a denial from Brooke in about 12 hours.



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