Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not Even Dead Gays Are Allowed in Senegal

The body of a man believed to be homosexual was dug up - twice - from a Muslim cemetery in Senegal.

The man, in his 30s, was first buried on Saturday before residents of the western town of Thies dug up his body and left it near his grave, police say.

His family then reburied him, but he was exhumed - again - by people who didn't want him buried there. His body was dumped outside the family house.

Senegal outlaws homosexual acts but there is a tradition of effeminate men.

A police officer told the AFP news agency that the body was eventually buried away from the cemetery.

The state-owned Le Soleil newspaper reports that it was buried within the grounds of the family home.

These African countries don't play. As we've covered here, here, and here.



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