Monday, May 4, 2009

Shia LaBeouf Wants to Marry His Mother (if he could)

Shia LaBeouf gave an interview to Playboy magazine in which he describes his mother, Shayna Saide, pictured, as the "sexiest" woman he knows.

“Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother. She’s an ethereal angel. Nobody looks like that woman. If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren’t my mother, as sick as that sounds.”

Yes, that sounds very, very sick and he's right: no one we know looks like that woman.

But as creepy as the whole marrying your mother thing sounds, Shia recalls growing up in a home where his mother AND her friends would parade around naked.

"All of them would just be naked around the house. That was strange for me, and it was really bizarre when my friends were there. You've got your little buds over, and Mom's, like, playing naked connect the dots or whatever. She's in the middle of goddess-group time, where it's literally a bunch of naked women tracing auras around one another's bodies with incense and then sitting together and humming for prolonged periods of time."

The same mother was/is also a weedhead.
“I grew up with a bunch of hippies, and marijuana was always around. Pot was never looked at as a negative thing. I could smoke it on holidays with my parents, and we were all good. I like pot. It has never been a monster for me. I can put limits on it. But I definitely saw from a very young age what drugs can do to you.”



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can anyone say incest!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo GROSS!!

Anonymous said...

omg that is jus like my fam except theyre not kool with the drug thing but i smoke because im rebellious omg

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