Friday, May 1, 2009

Why is 92-Year-Old Kirk Douglas on Myspace?!

Actor Kirk Douglas (father of Michael Douglas) fell down in his California mansion and broke a bone in his foot.

The 92-year-old waited an entire day to have it checked out by a doctor. Dementia, probably. In any event, he was fitted with a plaster cast and advised to stay off the foot for a month.

But guess what?!!!! (Goose, press the sound effect.)

He went on his Myspace page to blog about it!

"I must be clumsy. I was sitting on a chair dictating to my assistant Grace, I got up out of the chair, stumbled and fell against the wall," he writes. "My foot was painful but I thought it would go away. The next day it got worse and my wife made me see a doctor. I was surprised to learn that I broke a bone in my foot and now I have to wear a heavy boot for a month!"

There ought to be a law.


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