Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rihanna Sued by Neighbor

A man who lives next door to a house Rihanna rents in Los Angeles is suing the singer for ruining his lawn.

Don't laugh. This is serious.

In a lawsuit filed yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Christian Moeller alleges Rihanna and her entourage use his lawn as a driveway and a parking lot.

Rihanna rents the mansion from Stephen Yacobian, who is also named in the lawsuit.

Yacobian made an agreement, called an easement, with Moeller giving permission for cars heading towards Yacobian's home to drive on a section his lawn, but since it's not the home has since been remodeled and Moeller claims the easement is now redundant and should be revoked.

Moeller also claims a security camera installed at the home points onto his property. Moeller is seeking unspecified damages for trespass, invasion of privacy and other claims . . . such as publicity for silly, stupid and frivolous lawsuits.

On another note: Who knew Rihanna had a LA home and when was the last time she was seen there?

Read the hilarious papers here.


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