Friday, June 19, 2009

Sanjaya Says He's Not Gay, But He'll Be Your 'Straight Gay Best Friend'

OK, don't shoot us, but we actually watch NBC's "I'm a Celebrity Get Me out of Here." Why? One word - Sanjaya!

Sanjaya (how he doin) is the sweetest thing on that show, yet he continues to insist that he's straight. Whatever, right?

Well, we were shocked when he actually came out and said he's straight on Tuesday's episode. In fact, he referred to himself as the "straight gay best friend" everyone would be happy to have. You know the "straight" gay best friend who can braid your hair, who can beat your face and can whip up some fierce clothing and jewelry. Yes, that kind of "straight" gay best friend.

He says:
"Like, yeah, a lot of people want me to be their gay best friend, and I make a really good gay best friend. But I don't like guys, so it confuses people...I do hair, and I'll sit in the corner and knit. A lot of my friends refer to me as their 'straight gay best friend' because we'll go do things that stereotypically you would do with a gay guy...I connect to gay people very well because we understand each other...I'm not, like, that classic, stereotypical macho guy that's just, like, 'Oh yeah! Oh, she's hot. I wanna get in her pants!' I'm not that kind of guy. I was raised by women, so I kind of have a connection with my feminine side, but I'm attracted to women. So, it's like people like to kind of throw that at me, like, 'Oh, you must be gay.' But I'm like, 'Whatever, gay people are awesome.'"

[Watch the actual clip after the jump]


Anonymous said...

how many closet queens are on that show? Spencer Pratt, Sangina, and *gasp* Stephen Baldwin? (it's true!)

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