Friday, June 19, 2009

R Kelly Tries to Pick Up Girls in London For Sex

R Kelly's alleged reputation may have preceded him in London. He was accused of having sex with underage girls and hoarding child pornography; He was found not guilty on those charges a little more than a year ago.

At the Mo*vida’s Belvedere IX launch party in London Wednesday night, he tried to pick up a young woman and invited her back to his hotel room, but she was not having it, according to the London Paper.

“Come back with me to my hotel. It’s only seven minutes away. I haven’t invited anybody else back. Well... maybe one or two girls... I want to make you feel good, like you never have before. I’m for real," the paper said he told the young woman.

After the girl refused his invitation, R Kelly reportedly rubbed her back and pulled her hair while asking her: "Do you like that? It’s pain, but it’s good pain, isn’t it?’”




Anonymous said...

why the hell is this man still walking free?

Anonymous said...

I know he should be rotting in a jail cell

Anonymous said...

See Kels is back to his old tricks again. SMH

Anonymous said...

This don't make no damn sense this perv need to be under the jail.

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