Friday, July 3, 2009

Brüno Has His Eye on Michelle, Barack

If you're like us, you can't wait for Brüno to sashay and shantè across theater screens July 10.

In preparation for the film's release, Brüno has been giving interviews, like this one to Stylelist where he's asked how First Lady Michelle Obama's style matches up to his.
Ich can understand ze pressure zat Michelle is going through. Every day she stands next to one of ze sexiest, most powerful men in ze vorld, und has to look AMAZING, but not steal ze limelight. Exactly ze same dilemma all Bruno's boyfriends have felt. As far as First Ladies' style goes, I think she's doing a good job und compares favorably to say Nancy Reagan's 'Microwaved Barbie' look, or Barbara Bush's 'Boris Yeltsin in drag' thing. Regarding Barack, ich am very disappointed in him so far. Vhen he kept banging on about 'Change – yes ve can!'...Ich suggest Barack, zhat you change ze record – put on Just Dance by Lady Gaga, rip off your shirt, und give us all a glimpse of vhat we voted for! I am hoping zat he vill soon declare war on Iran, so that he has to visit troops in the desert und break out the beach wear."



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