Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Debbie Rowe Has Sold Her Kids to the Jackson Family

Mother of the year (well, maybe not) Debbie Rowe has sold the two children she carried for Michael Jackson to grandmother Katherine for $4 million - a cool $2 million a piece.

The deal reportedly went down yesterday in a Los Angeles court.

If you're keeping track, Debbie now has made more than $21 million just by having - and selling - Prince Michael, 12, and daughter Paris, 11.

After their birth, she gave up her parental rights in exchange for lump sum of $8 million, plus $900,000 annually for five years.

When Michael was accused of child molestation in 2001, Debbie resurfaced to reclaim her rights. But she wound up giving Michael full custody of the kids anyway -- in exchange for another $4 million plus a $900,000 home.

This time around, she is forfeiting her restored parental rights to Jackson's mom, Katherine, in exchange for yet another roughly $4 million.

According to the terms of the deal, Debbie's acceptance of this offer means she's out of the picture - for good. She can no longer seek custody of the children.

Update: Debbie's lawyer says she has not sold her kids - yet - and that the Post's report is "completely false." A custody hearing is scheduled for Monday



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