Friday, July 10, 2009

Lady GaGa Filed for Bankruptcy Four Times Now She's Broke

Lady Gaga is thisclose to being in the poor house.

Despite her worldwide success, the 23-year-old singer insists she is completely penniless because her elaborate stage shows and costumes cost so much.

"I've gone bankrupt about four times now. My manager wants to shoot me!," she told the Sun newspaper. "Every dollar I earn goes on the show. Now we're finally getting to a place where it's not bankruptcy. Then again, with another tour coming up soon I'll probably be homeless again."

(Later this year, she kicks off a major US tour with Kanye.)

The singer also revealed she is currently single - but doesn't go without sex on tour because she sleeps with the guys who play in her band.

"I'm a single girl. I like to have a good time," she said. "I just sleep with the guys in the band all the time because it's easier."

Someone needs to get her a financial planner.



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