Wednesday, July 1, 2009
RHoNJ Danielle Staub Considers Run for Congress
This is absolutely riduculous, but it's true.
Former coke-whore, prostitute, kidnapper and sex-tape star cum "Real Housewives of New Jersey" cast member, Danielle Staub is considering a run for Congress. She will challenge Demoract U.S. Rep Bill Pascrell, next year, says Thomas Ammirato, a Republican strategist who is now representing her.
"At this point Ms. Staub is fielding numerous offers and has ruled out nothing," he tells "Her advisors will be discussing her future shortly."
But we're gonna go out on a limb to say NO WAY will Danielle ever set foot in Congress - well, unless she's giving testimony about her criminal past or something.
In fact, even Thomas doesn't see his client becoming a congresswoman.
"I don't see that happening. It would be the longest of political longshots ... unless there's a huge groundswell."
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