Thursday, July 23, 2009

Will Latoya Jackson’s Music Career Benefit From Brother’s Death?

While most fallen celebrities resurrect their careers the old-fashioned way by appearing on "Dancing With the Stars", LaToya Jackson, 53, has taken a different route. She's betting her career will take off after the death of her brother, Michael.

She has a new album out in two months and the first single - “Not Anymore” has registered a whooping 9 million plays and her MySpace page has clocked up well over four million hits in recent weeks, according to PopTarts.

Plus, the tribute song we mentioned last week, has been getting its share of recognition, too.

According to a press release issued by her reps yesterday, “prominent TV show ABC News Now ran footage of the new (music) videos with an exclusive interview with LaToya last week Friday. Additionally, CNN filmed a mini-biopic piece on LaToya during the shoot. The prominent TV show Access Hollywood is set to run footage of the video shoot, as will AOL and It continues to played on VH1 Soul, MTV Jams, Music Choice and BETJ. Additionally, CNN filmed a mini-biopic piece on LaToya during the shoot.”

In addition to all of that TV coverage, she's has upcoming features in “a slew of print and online publications."



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