Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chris Brown Sentenced to 5 Years Probation, Hard Labor for Rihanna Beatdown

Yea, we know, this was scheduled for Thursday, but at the last minute Chris Brown's sentencing for beating the daylight out of Rihanna (he plead guilty last June), was moved up to this afternoon.

The judge sentenced Chris to five years' probation and six months' community labor and fined $2,500.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg warned Chris that he could be sent to state prison if he violated any terms of his sentence, including an order to stay away from Rihanna for the next five years, which the two were vigorously trying to do away with.

He will serve his sentence in Virginia and his community labor will be overseen by the chief of police in Richmond.

The judge said she wanted to ensure that he performs physical labor instead of community service, such as mentoring young people.

Police investigating the beatdown that occurred last February "learned of two earlier incidents related to domestic violence that went unreported," according to the probation report.

The first occurred in Europe in November 2008. Chris and Rihanna got into an argument. Rihanna slapped him and he responded by shoving her into a wall. The second incident occurred in Barbados (Rihanna's country of birth) last January, three weeks before the February beatdown that landed him in court (and Rihanna in the hospital). According to the report, the two got into another verbal altercation while traveling in a rented Range Rover. Enraged, Chris exited the vehicle then broke the front driver and passenger side windows.

These two crazy kids are something else.



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