Friday, August 28, 2009

Designer Thierry Mugler Sued Over Unpaid Bill for Beyoncè's Costumes

You've probably already heard the drama, but we've got some more details for you.

Former Project Runway contestant Chris March (pictured, left) is suing designer Thierry Mugler for allegedly not paying him for work he did on Beyoncé's fabulous costumes. (Beyoncè is not being sued.)

Chris told New York magazine he's been working with Thierry for more than seven years, building various costumes and last November he was tapped to work on Beyoncè's "I Am..." tour costumes, which Thierry designed.

"Thierry doesn’t have a theatrical background so I was hired to make sure the costumes were usable for stage purposes." For example, March had to figure out how to attach a harness to the costume Beyoncé wears when she flies through the air. He also had to make sure her costumes would keep her lovely lady lumps in place. "So many things need to be taken into consideration with her because she dances so" — he paused to find the right word — "wildly," he chuckled. "So she gets onstage and she’s like, 'I gotta move and I gotta dance.' And wow."

When he met Beyoncè, he was starstruck (who wouldn't be, right), but he was able to contain the excitement and get to work.

"One of the first things I did for [Beyoncé] was put her in a special corset and wrap her in aluminum foil and then wrap a warm plastic around her until it dries," he explained of the diva corset-production process. That plastic form helps the costume creators mold certain clothing articles to her body. "There’s one that’s a huge wire frame that’s covered in stretch mesh and trimmed in feathers. There’s one that’s molded apoxy that lights up like a motorcycle theme," Chris said of the various looks the plastic mold was used for. "It's a messy process." Since Beyoncé couldn't make every fitting, the team hired a body double to fill in for her.

Chris made the March 26 deadline and shipped the costumes to Edmonton, Canada in time for Beyoncè's first show, but when Chris submitted his final invoice the next day, he said "Thierry left for Paris without paying anybody."

Beyoncè paid Thierry, but he, in turn, never paid Chris. Now he is suing Thierry for the $43,500 he says he's owed.

BTW: Wanna see Thierry's full NSFW pic, go here.



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