Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heidi Klum Doesn't Watch 'Project Runway'

All the legal battles done and the almighty Project Runway has re turns on Aug. 20 on Lifetime.

Newsweek magazine had a sit-down with the judges Heidi Klum, Michael Kors, Nina Garcia, and Tim Gunn to dish about the show's new home, that unwatchable "copy" The Fashion Show and who would win in a fistfight: Tim Gunn or Isaac Mizrahi.

Were you worried the show would never be aired again?
Heidi: No.
Tim: I was. Heidi was always optimistic and I became terribly woeful. I thought we would be locked in court forever and the show would go away.

You've moved to Los Angeles?
Heidi: You don't even see that on the show, to be honest. Though, Tim, you were worried about earthquakes.
Tim: I still am worried about earthquakes.
Michael: The big change in L.A. that no one has mentioned is that we judge each week all wearing swimsuits. [Laughter] Isn't that fabulous?

Have you seen Bravo's The Fashion Show ?
Heidi: I don't watch TV. I don't even watch Project Runway, to be honest.
Michael: Here she is, like a mega–television star, and she doesn't watch TV. I have caught an episode, yes.

What did you think?
Michael: I've never been one of those designers who freaks out when I see a copy. I think, oh, I must be doing something right.

Have any of you gotten into a fight with Isaac Mizrahi?
Tim: No. I'm not a fistfighter. I'm a biter and a hair puller.
Nina: There's a lot of hair to pull.
Michael: The Tim Gunn we all knew.

What's the single most prized possession in your closet?
Nina: Shoes. I'm 5 foot 4, so I love the heels.
Heidi: It has to be a fashion item, right?
Nina: It cannot be Seal.
Heidi: It's hard for me to choose one. I can't answer that question.
Nina: I'll answer for her. It's her jewelry!
Heidi: That's not clothes. Then, it's my wedding band, obviously.
Michael: I think I have actually tried on her wedding band. It fits on the tip of my pinkie like a thimble. It's divine.



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